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  1. #1
    Member freeman's Avatar
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    Question Tips for identifying "cell rot"?

    I just got a batch of crusty razors in and the scales on one of them has me a little worried. The scales are made of some sort of light yellowish material that was coated in a layer of opaque tan crust that sanded off pretty easily. I didn't notice any unusual aroma when buffing the scales. The charger for my camera has run off into the bushes so unfortunately I can't post pics.

    I've taken the precaution of storing this razor well away from the ones I know have celluloid handles until I can figure out what the deal is here. Any tips on what cell rot looks like and how to identify it would be a huge help!

    Also, if I do run into cell rot is there any way to deal with it beyond getting rid of those scales? Is it possible to buff the rot out?

  2. #2
    Doc is offline
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    a stinky vinegar like Oder and rust on the part of the blade that is inside the scales

  3. #3
    Member SavantStrike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    a stinky vinegar like Oder and rust on the part of the blade that is inside the scales

    The stench is pretty bad too if you put your nose to it. Vinegar smells good IMO, so I say it smells more like acetone or melting plastic .

  4. #4
    Member freeman's Avatar
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    Wow that sounds pretty nasty. If that's the case then I don't think that's what's going on here. The scales just smell, for lack of a better word, old. Like an attic or an unused junk drawer in your great grandmother's house. Nothing strong or offensive. Thanks!

  5. #5
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    Default cell rot

    The ones in my last buy to have rot just fell apart in my hands. The blades are so rusted they are not restorable. They were DD's and would have been nice.

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