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  1. #1
    FXR is offline
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    Question Wanted Replacment Puma Scales

    Anyone got a set a scales for a Puma High class, the faux tortishell scales that are currently on my Puma appear to have celluloid rot. so they are going in the scape bin before they do anymore damage.

  2. #2
    Senior Member threeputt's Avatar
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    Odd. I have a high class that's holding up very well. I thought the scales were some sort of plastic faux tortoise, with the later date of manufacture. I LOVE that razor too. If it is indeed celluloid, then I'll keep a closer eye on it. I have a question though, could you be very specific in the symptoms that make you think it's celluloid rot? The reason I ask is I have a Temperite that looks great, but the scales give off a faint vinegar-like odor. Nobody seems to have heard of that before, but I bet it's the gas that releases as celluloid breaks down. Thanks............................................ ......Jeff

  3. #3
    Rik is offline
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    A good article on celluloid (including deterioration) can be found here.

  4. #4
    FXR is offline
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    I initially thought that the scales were some type of plastic ....and I may be proved wrong. The razor had previously had some corrosion that had be cleaned off by the previous owner and the result was a nice bright blade with a loss of a fair proportion of the gold wash. The razor had been residing happily in my rotation without a problem but after setting it aside and unused for a couple of weeks I noticed it had corroded even though it was coated in Camilla oil. Initially I thought that the problem was related to the original corrosion on the blade that was re-occurring as I have see that happen on firearms that have corroded. However after discussing the issue with a couple of knowledgeable people I have tried storing the razor in a cool dry place for about two weeks with the blade open and no oil , the result was very faint brown staining on a cloth when the blade was wiped. The razor was then stored for a further week with the blade closed and no oil, result brown staining on a cloth when the blade was wiped. Examination of the blade with a 10X loupe revealed that the majority of the corrosion was in the area covered by the scales and virtually none above the line of the scales. 60x examination of the edge ....well that was scary ! The corrosion to the naked eye, appears as a grey haze on the blade but there is no vinegar odour present.

    BTW I have two razors where the handles give off a vinegar smell a mertherson and a AIC both of which have never corroded however I don’t store them anywhere near the remainder of my razors just to be sure.

  5. #5
    Senior Member threeputt's Avatar
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    Thanks Rik. I'm at work so can't get to it now (firewalls), but I'll check it out when I get home tonight...............Jeff

    Quote Originally Posted by Rik

    A good article on celluloid (including deterioration) can be found here.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When you apply any friction to a celluloid handle it gives off that strange odor I don't know if I would call it vinegar but its unmistakeable. Plastic doesn't give off that odor. I believe the puma's made in the 1950s or thereabouts had plastic handles. I have a high class myself and the scales look like new and I've used a dremmel on them with no bad effects.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member threeputt's Avatar
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    I recently acquired another Puma, plain polished round point 6/8, with what appears to be black plastic scales and the inlaid logo. The razor was NOS I believe, and there are two tiny spots of rust right where the blade touched the insides of the scales when resting in a closed position. Well, there WERE two rust spots ;-) I'm hoping it's not celluloid that caused that. Man what a sweet one - I need to get pics up of it. As for my Temperite, I haven't put any friction on the scales at all. As a matter of fact, it's been sitting idle for months and the smell doesn't go away. I'm thinking of trying a baking soda solution to neutralize any acidity it may be giving off. Stil no rust though. Well, no rust that hasn't been there since way before I got the razor. Again, odd.

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