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  1. #11
    Razor honing maniac turbine712's Avatar
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    So Robert if I get your picture right the dark area is the area you grind away. It is hard to see the picture on the right side because it is too light.
    If I am correct, then this is a great idea. What thickness of brass are you working with?

  2. #12
    Robert Williams Custom Razors PapaBull's Avatar
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    This picture might help a bit more. You have to remove the areas in yellow. And you have to tweak it a little bit at a time until you get the result you want. Once you get the hang of making these bits, they're not hard to make.

    The three most important things are:

    * start with a bit that's about the right size, if possible. It'll save you some work.

    * DON'T LET THE BIT GET TOO HOT WHILE GRINDING. And this really is the hard part because the smaller the amount of steel you've got left, the quicker it heats up. Doing it over a bucket of water with a dremel and carbide wheel or coarse diamond bits (80 grit for removal works great) and dipping it very, very frequently makes it pretty simple. The diamond bits tend to run cooler than the carbide wheels.

    * When you've got it close, remove a little and test the result and work it down slowly and carefully. When you've got it right, it's well worth the time. Remove too much metal and you have to start with a new bit.

    Oh and to be sure I mentioned it, I put the sheet on a piece of wood, so that the sheet is braced on a surface that the bit can dig into without being damaged. A piece of 2x4 worked great for me.

    Name:  washer_bit.jpg
Views: 239
Size:  12.0 KB

    1/32 brass sheet works great.
    Last edited by PapaBull; 11-13-2009 at 11:24 PM.

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    turbine712 (11-14-2009)

  4. #13
    < Banned Scammer >
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    I am thinking that something like this will help: - Harbor Freight Tools - Quality Tools at the Lowest Prices

    Anybody know how to use it? I am thinking that after creating a domed washer, you could center the washer on the pins, and lightly tap the washer to get the desired effect.

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