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  1. #1
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    Default Vibratory Tumbler abilities?

    This is a question for guys using the vibratory tumblers. Are these capable of removing the dark spots on blades the you usually find under rust when hand sanding?

    I've heard people just toss a blade in and it comes out shiny but does it take care of these spots??

    If not, what do you use to get rid of them besides the obvious sanding and sanding and sanding?

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Tumblers work very well, BUT they will not abrade metal they will take stuff off the metal....
    Such as it you have a pitted blade and you toss it in a tumbler you will get a shiny clean "pitted" blade out

    "Black marks" on razor are quite an enigma too, you would think that some of the science guys could give us a solution that would remove stains but that just doesn't seem to be possible... and "black stains" can range from simple black rust that comes right off to what we fondly call "Devil's Spit" that requires hours of sanding / buffing to remove...

    Basically look at a tumbler as a 600 grit and above polisher, you do all the work to get the blade clean below 600 grit sandpaper the tumbler will do the rest....

    I do know this, there is NO easy way to clean off years of neglect, at least not that I have found....

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