Quote Originally Posted by Korndog
... Here's a shot after doing some buffing after the 15. You can still see the fine lines from the last sanding (very faint), but it's close to a mirror "type" finish. ...
Larry, I was re-reading your beautiful restoration project and was wondering: after polishing, do you see all the fine lines from the last grit or just a few very fine ones?

Because if it is just a few then they are not the last sanding with 15 micron but the previous grit. I've been having this issue come up a few times. If the previous grit is almost sanded out, the lines are not seen until you sand most the current grit lines out with the next higher grit.

Did not realize this was a vision thing until my eight year old wanted to see how a razor is restored. He could see the faint lines and kept telling me they are there while I could only pick them out after sanding with the next grit.

Now I step back to the previous grit when I see the lines come out, otherwise they magically appear after polishing.