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  1. #1
    Senior Member dawill's Avatar
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    Exclamation A Word of Warning

    I've been trying to do some cleanup work on an eBay special (my first attempt) and I borrowed a Dremel from a buddy. Well, in working on the polishing, I left the buffing wheel in one spot near the edge at the heel for just a tad too long and lo and behold, a burnt spot appeared!

    Just a word to the wise, when using a Dremel, keep the tool moving and lift it occasionally so as not to make the same mistake I did

    I believe Bill mentioned in one thread to run to tool off the edge and keep it lubricated and I think Randy stated that heat will ruin the temper of the blade. Each of these facts I tried to adhere to, but since this is my first attempt, accidents will happen....

    At least this is a practice attempt and not one that I'm especially fond of. I do know one thing, if I happen to get this razor to a shaveable state after that faux pas, it will be a lesson well learned!

  2. #2
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Nice reminder,... thanks.
    FWIW, that burnt spot may now be to soft to hold an edge or it may chip easily.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  3. #3
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    Damage to the very heel and you may not have a problem. And it depends on how much of the blade edge turned color. Less than a quarter inch... shave on.

    But, for the most part, your blade is thrashed. You would have to remove the scales and retemper. And that will probably not be sucessful because the edge will probably warp when it is quenched.

    Damage occurs above 500 degrees. But it is a whole lot easier to reach 500 degrees on metal that is only several thousandths thick than the spine at .16 or so.

    You have created a Paki clone...

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