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  1. #1
    Member Strikur's Avatar
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    Default C-MON scales in bad shape!

    Picked this beauty up at an antique shop. The blade says stain-less C-MON No 7 ice tempered on one side,Peter J Michaels yadda yadda on the other. I haven't seen any quiet like this posted anywhere. Could someone inform me about the quality of it, whether its less desirable,more,etc.The blade is pretty nice except for a chip out on the point, and one up next the spine above the grind,however seems pretty close to shave ready.What could be done about the chips if anything(not sure they'd mess with the functionality but are an eyesore), and in regards to the scales, not sure if this is a prime example of celluloid degradation or not, but they are grainy,gnarly and just plain ugly. One of the bolster inlays has separated, so I'm thinking this one will need a scale transplant(just came across the how-to article by Gssixgun).
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  2. #2
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    Damn, did someone chew on those scales or what? The blade is beutiful, in fact I beleive someone on this forum has that they are looking for a Stainless C-Mon in their signature. Unfortunately, the only advice I have for the scales is replacement. Hopefully you will be able to move the inlays to new scales if you can size em right.

    But don't jump in yet, lets think about this for a bit, I'm sure one of our experts will pop in here and have a rock solid answer for you.

  3. #3
    < Banned Scammer >
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    C-Mons are respectable razors, and that blade is in fine shape! An excellent find.

    Scales tho... IMO are shot. Not too much you'll be able to do with those, from what the pictures say. Max has done a remake of these scales, and even transferred the inlays to the new ones, quite excellently if I dont say so myself. The inlays should be salvagable, IMHO, but I dont harbor much hope for those scales

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