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12-27-2009, 05:31 AM #1
Bushing the pivot hole in the blade.
I was doing my first ever pin replacementon one of my favorite razors, a Dovo SS, black micarta handle. After drilling the old pin out as Lynn recommended, I was suprised to find the pivot hole on the blade was quite a bit bigger than the Dovo replacement pin.
The hole was about 0.097" and the pin was 0.055". I have had a lot of trouble keeping the pin tension right on this razor, so I thought the sloppy fit may have been contributing. I decided to make a bushing.
I took the whole mess to work the next day. I rechecked the hole diameter in the blade with a gage pin. I also noticed that the hole wasn't exactly round. A piece of 3/8's brass round looked like a good choice so I put a 3/8's collet in the lathe and set it up. I turned it to 0.097, which was a line fit with the hole, and put a small chamfer on the end with a file.
I used a spotting drill and drilled the inner hole to 0.059". After parting it off I checked it and the blade hole for burrs and tapped it in with a hammer.
The brass filled the slightly out of round hole OK, but I did have to put the drill in a Albrecht Chuck and ream the hole out by hand a little to make out for a little closing.
Usinf a small file, I made sure that no bushing was hanging out of the hole on either side. I used a little teflon grease to hold the brass washers on the sides of the blade and put it all back together.
OK, so I did overrun my lunchbreak a little. But there have been days when I skipped lunch to get a job done, so we'll call it a wash.
After peening with my old GI mess kit spoon, the pivot tension was just about right, and I am hoping it will stay this way.
Thanks for listening to my ramble.
Best Regards,
Albuquerque Mike.
12-27-2009, 06:53 AM #2
Can I go to work with you someday....all those *grin*