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Thread: Scale cleaning

  1. #1
    Senior Member jmsbcknr's Avatar
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    Default Scale cleaning

    I bought a razor on ebay and after a good bit of work with the dremmil I got the blade cleaned up and sharpened. Shaves pretty well. Now what about the scales. It seems to be a plastic type and it is fairly dingy. Any suggestions for cleaning?

  2. #2
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I'm always surprised by what rubbing alcohol can do. I use my thumb nail to scrape inside. i know most guys don't wear thumbnails, but I think a guitar pick or even a credit card might do the same. Nothing too hard that might damage or scratch the scales.


  3. #3
    Senior Member vladsch's Avatar
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    Default Electric Toothbrush

    I use an electric toothbrush with rubbing alcohol or weak solution of dishwashing detergent. I use an old rechargeable model but you can get those Crest $5 models for kids. Toothbrush bristles are soft and don't damage the scales and the automatic brush action reduces effort.

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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I usually use some mild dishwashing soap and a toothbrush and use Q-tips to get in the scales. Usually does a good job cleaning the gunk out. After that with plastic I would use some cape cod polishing clothes to buff it up or a dremmel with a chamois buff and some yellow rough (with very very light pressure) designed for plastic and very tender metals.
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  5. #5
      Lynn's Avatar
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    On the outside I use Maas and a cotton cloth. Smear the Maas all over the handle and then rub it out with the cloth. Really brightens up nickel. Have done this on everything from celluloid, plastic, bakelite to ivory with out a problem. If the inside is gunked up, I also use the warm water, soap and tooth brush method followed by a thorough drying and a spot of sewing machine oil in the hinge pin area. Lynn

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