Results 21 to 22 of 22
02-07-2010, 11:31 PM #21
automotive paint supply stores are a great place to find super fine sanding paper wet/dry
02-08-2010, 12:15 AM #22
Yeah, I get that look to it, too, but if I catch the right light there are really fine scratches that almost just looks like dullness. I have to look for them by twisting the razor. I might go back to 1200 and up to 2K again, just to see if I can even out the scratches a bit better or get rid of 'em. But one I get to 2K there's that mirror shine in there that gets me antsy to use the buffer!
Of course, there are a few stray scratches from the real low grits that I didn't bother to go back and get, but that's something different. I just didn't want to go all the way back to 120. I find most of the strays near the shoulder/stabilizers actually. I'm also noticing a trend on where rust forms: shoulder/stabilizers, near the pivot obviously, jimps of course, on the toe if it's close to the wedge and along the edge of the scales when closed.