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  1. #1
    Newbie in training and proud geek Vidiot's Avatar
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    Default Question about the trademark on the tang

    So I am getting ready to attempt to sand my first razor to remove some spots and clean it up a bit. I am not expecting miracles, as this is my first one, but you have to learn somehow right? My question is regarding the trademark stamp and company info on the tang. Is there any technique or trick to clean that out, or does that just kind of work itself out as you go along? I was hoping to save as much of this as possible. Please let me know if there are any tips or tricks involved to preserving this part of the blade. Thanks !

  2. #2
    Born a Hundred Years Too Late aroliver59's Avatar
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    If it's gunk in the letters,you can just soak in some cleaner (I use greased lightning)and then use an old toothbrush and/or a toothpick to get most of it out.If it's rust,that's a whole different ballgame.Maybe a wire brush in a dremel or by hand if you don't have one.I've had some success with this: faultDomain_0?hash=item53dfada2a0

    If that won't do it maybe an awl or other pointed object will scratch it out of there.

  3. #3
    Senior Member 2knives's Avatar
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    If it's rusted, you might have to just take the loss and sand it until it looks good, or just lightly sand/polish it until you can read it again and accept that it won't be perfect but at least you can still know who made it.

    If it's not rusted and just kind of hazy or dark. You can take some semichrome polish or what ever compound you like and put that on the end of something like a cue tip, toothbrush etc... just make sure that whatever you are using to apply the compound has some sort of ability to physicall get down into the grooves of the punched letters.\


  4. #4
    Newbie in training and proud geek Vidiot's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info guys ! I will try it out and see what works best. Like I said, thsi will be my first time cleaning up a razor, and didn't want to use trial and error. I'd rather get some tips first and try those. Wish me luck !

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    For getting rid of surface tarnish I've had good luck with 0000 steel wool lubed with a bit of Break Free or some other lubricant. It cleans the surface stuff without leaving scratches. A stiff tooth brush with metal polish and some flat dental floss helps to. Especially if you aren't going to pull the blade out and re-pin later.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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