I did a search, and only found a few threads on electrochemical etching.

I've read some mixed reviews about etching, but it's so hard to know if the problems are with the process or with the machines, as there are so many machines out there.

Well, I had some money burning a hole in my pocket, so I did some research and ordered a machine that seemed pretty well regarded on several knife making forums, as well as a machine to make stencils. (I didn't order it just for razors, I have a few other applications for the equipment as well)

The equipment should be here by the end of the week and I'll have some free time over the weekend to experiment. I will keep you posted on my progress.

I'm just curious if any of you have tried doing this type of etching before. If so, what kind of machine did you use, and how were the results? Any tips or tricks?