I MUST continue hone my Narva project. Thank you Sailor for your encourage words.

I made PROPERLY bread knifing. It was 6/8 but now it is 5,5/8. I made few times test x-strokes with permanent marker bitween the bread knifing. Lastly there was coming nice and straight shiny line along the blade on the both side. Then I knew I had removed warped part of the blade and it was done. It is quite lot of metal what I must remove to achieve good and straight shiny line at the bevel.

I have lapped my 400 grit stone. I will today start to make the bewel. I hope I can make it at this time. Atleast I have now good feeling about this, maybe I am now on the right track.

The blade width was narrowing from 6/8 to 5,5/8 (19 mm to 17,5mm). It is now 92 procent from the original size. Do I hone the spine also narrower without taping the spine while honing? The spine is now 4.6 mm, so 4,6*0.92=4,2 mm would be the new width of the spine. Is this calculation right, if we want to maintain original bewel angle?