That is funny wife said the same thing: " if this thing is a vintage, why not get a scale that will make it look good". I, myself, was seriously contemplating a rescale too...and Max was the guy I was thinking. I already have 2 vintage razors with him since early April (I guess another 2-3 month wait). I will talk with him again about this prospect once he is finished moving by mid June and see how long it will take and what kind of scales would be befitting this nice Frederick Reynolds . Maybe a nice set of Burgundy Linen Micarta?

The only downside with the rescale option is time: This was going to be a gift (July Birthday), but if I do rescale, I may have to make it an IOUkind of gift.

For now, I guess crazy glue will do until it's sent to Max .

PS: How hard is it to do a rescale if I were to get a Robert Williams (as you suggested)? Does RW have a website? Remember: I have never done a rescale and don't know what's really involved. Is it as easy as 1, 2, 3 or "wax on, wax off"? Or would I need to have working knowledge about rescale?

Quote Originally Posted by jhenry View Post
+1 on the previous advice.

Personally, I would look into the possibility of getting that vintage razor of yours rescaled--with a third pin. You can send it to an expert restorer, such as Max. He ought to have the material to make a set of sclaes for that Reynolds that would look real nice.

Another option would be to get some custom Robert Williams scales from SRD and do a rescale of the razor yourself.