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  1. #1
    I want a straight shoenanvil's Avatar
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    Default Question about a Torrey

    I bought a Torrey and it has some pitting on it and also in the area of the stamp. The letter J has been scratched out completely from JR TORREY and the stamp appears to be verry shallow. I would like to get rid of the pitting but if I do I will lose the original stamp. Is there any way to get someone to stamp the letters out deeper or go over it with a lazer engraver? Also I unpinned the scales to clean the blade and the scales one at a time. The scales have a small chip missing from the inside with no other apparent defects. I am going to send the razor off to be honed by someone else once clean up is finished. Will this person be able to repin my scales or make new ones for me (or am I putting the cart before the horse for the time being).

  2. #2
    Brad Maggard Undream's Avatar
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    I'm not really sure about laser engraving, but, I know that the stamps on tangs are generally done before heat treating.

    This is a problem that people who restore razors run into far too often...leaving pitting vs. losing logo/etc...

    time to make a hard decision

  3. #3
    I want a straight shoenanvil's Avatar
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    North Mississippi
    Thanked: 1


    Thanks Undream think I will just polish it up and send it off for honing just to use as a backup.

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