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  1. #11
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Default The OMG Razors are Sharp and Restoration is Dangerous Thread !!!

    You, too, can cut your fingers
    I was handsanding a blade, and perhaps a little too careless. I had been sanding for most of the afternoon so my attention had wavered.
    As I was sanding back and forth along the length of the blade, my sandpaper slipped from the blade in the 'forth' motion.

    In the 'back' motion, my thumb slid alongside the edge.
    I didn't feel any pain, just a short 'sting', and I thought 'WTF just happened'?
    Luckily, the slice was mostly along the blade and not in an angle so it did not dig in deep. The cut is mostly superficial and the part above my nail is the tail end of the cut and barely deeper than a scratch.

    I did some checks and it seems no important bits are hit. I desinfected it and as soon as it dried up, the wound had already closed itself. I guess that is the advantage of cutting yourself with something really sharp. I've noticed that during handsanding, blades become very sharp.

    Anyway, I daresay I am experienced at handsanding, and as you can see, that is no guarantee. In this case I was extremely lucky that no tendons or nerves were hit, but the same cut half an inch higher would have cut my tendon or dug into the joint.

    Be careful boys and girls.
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  2. #12
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    Just hours after reading this thread, I opened a razor to strop it, dropped it, then with the reflexes of a ninja caught it, by the sharp bit...
    You will also notice the band aid on my ring finger, that was from a hand sanding adventure this morning. I rarely cut myself with razors but 2 in 1 day??? I decided not to shave tonight, I'm likely to cut my throat
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  3. #13
    Guardian Der Freiheit komjong's Avatar
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    You guys call those cuts? "YOU AINT SEEN NUTHIN' YET" I got this baby after honing my sheffield on a Naniwa. When I hone a razor even the stone is afraid of the edge I get. I swear I can almost see my Naniwa's tremble while I hone.
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  4. #14
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Arrow The OMG Razors are Sharp and Restoration is Dangerous Thread !!!

    Max and I are adding Posts to this sticky as we find them...

    Please feel free to pm Max or myself with good links if know where they are at...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 10-15-2010 at 10:16 PM.

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