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  1. #11
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    I was working on a motor that was hanging by a chain hoist mounted to the shop ceiling. The motor was semi resting on a table to keep it from swinging while I was torquing a bolt (this was an inboard/outboard motor for a boat, 4 cylinder mercruiser). The bell housing was off so the fly wheel was exposed. When I was turning the torque wrench, the motor started to roll and I went to "catch" the motor. The motor rolled over my arm with the table under my arm with exposed teeth of the fly wheel...still have the scar. What was I thinking? I'll catch the engine...oh yeah it wont' fall anyway it's hooked to a hoist. DOH!

    I was changing the propane tank on a fork lift. The valve on the new tank was not closed so when the fittings went together, gas started going everywhere. One of the other guys in the shop was welding, I panic and reach into disconnect the valve (should have closed it). I don't know what temperature that compressed gas comes out at, but it is VERY cold and I had burns on my hand something fierce. I later had the hand scratched and all the skin blew up like a ballon and then sluffed off.

  2. #12
    senior member Zomax's Avatar
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    When I started this thread, I thought I would hear a lot of funny restore mishaps but instead I am hearing about burns, cuts, jabs, fires, and near death experiences. Everything posted has something to do with pain. Some funny but most scary.
    Anyone have any tongue in cheek stories that may offer a chuckle?

    Here's another one. I had ordered 100 tiny brass nuts from Microfasteners ( 20 bucks worth!!) to fit those 2-56 screws. If you've ever used them, you know the true meaning of micro. Anyway, I emptied both bags of 50 into my palm to transfer to a small baby jar I use for them when my cat surprised me by jumping up on my work bench and scared the s--- out of me. The 100 nuts went flying after I jerked. Want to know how many I found out of 100? My floor was needing a vacuuming after 2 hours of sanding scales. Aarrggghhhhh

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Many years ago I was the manager of a light engineering workshop - it had a powder coater, an overhead conveyor belt, a degreasing tank and a radiant oven - we degreased metal parts, put them through the powder coating machine and the conveyor took them through the long oven to bake the powder paint on.

    The oven had a large motor duct about 7 feet off the floor, and it run alongside the powder coater leaving a narrow aisle between the two.

    One morning the degreasing tank had sprung a leak - thankfully the oven wasn't turned on. The liquid run under the powder coater and pooled up on the floor against the oven. I wasn't going to tread in it in case it came through my shoes, so I took a running jump to leap over it and get to the degreasing tank - except that I forgot about the motor duct and smacked right into it with the top of my head, knocking me out for a moment.

    Of course I landed in the puddle of solvent. Should have walked through it in the first place... I was really glad that I had got in early and no-one saw what had happened!


  4. #14
    Inane Rambler Troggie's Avatar
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    I was working on a restore project last week. I was going to grind down part of a cracked razor. Luckily I learned shop safety a long time ago so I not only wear safety glasses I normally always wear a face shield as well. So i was grinding away and the metal started to flake and before I could pull the blade out it broke off and got flung and embedded itself into my face shield. My wife still doesn't know about it because if she did my shop would never see me again..

  5. #15
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zomax View Post
    When I started this thread, I thought I would hear a lot of funny restore mishaps but instead I am hearing about burns, cuts, jabs, fires, and near death experiences. Everything posted has something to do with pain. Some funny but most scary.
    Anyone have any tongue in cheek stories that may offer a chuckle?
    Well... my daughter nailed a piece of wood to my workbench. She didn't realize that if you drive a 1.5" nail through 0.5" of wood, there is 1" of nail that needs to go someplace else.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil Miller View Post
    Many years ago I was the manager of a light engineering workshop - it had a powder coater, an overhead conveyor belt, a degreasing tank and a radiant oven - we degreased metal parts, put them through the powder coating machine and the conveyor took them through the long oven to bake the powder paint on.

    The oven had a large motor duct about 7 feet off the floor, and it run alongside the powder coater leaving a narrow aisle between the two.

    One morning the degreasing tank had sprung a leak - thankfully the oven wasn't turned on. The liquid run under the powder coater and pooled up on the floor against the oven. I wasn't going to tread in it in case it came through my shoes, so I took a running jump to leap over it and get to the degreasing tank - except that I forgot about the motor duct and smacked right into it with the top of my head, knocking me out for a moment.

    Of course I landed in the puddle of solvent. Should have walked through it in the first place... I was really glad that I had got in early and no-one saw what had happened!

    LOL, sorry for laughing mate, but i can see myself doing just that (6' + isnt always a good thing)

    So someone has to mention a dremel here. Yeah thats right, we all know now that you sand with the drum spinning OFF the edge of the razor, not INTO the edge of the razor. 'ping' any one think they want to use a straight that has a cutting edge 2" long? Nope.


  7. #17
    Senior Member nickyspaghetti's Avatar
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    I can't say that many incidents I have had were particularly funny at the time - Although now I laugh at the stupidity of what I was doing.

    I was trying to cut scales with a mini dremel saw holding the dremel in one hand and the scale blank in the other - big suprise when it caught and decided to skip round to the other side where my index finger was holding it - blood all over the place. Sad thing is that I have done it twice!

    The most recent was amusing to a few people but not to me - I made some scales from an unknown wood and it brought me out in a terrible rash. All over my face hands and for some reason, downstairs too?
    It took about two weeks for the skin to go completely back to normal.

  8. #18
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickyspaghetti View Post
    The most recent was amusing to a few people but not to me - I made some scales from an unknown wood and it brought me out in a terrible rash. All over my face hands and for some reason, downstairs too?
    It took about two weeks for the skin to go completely back to normal.
    All places where your hands have been? Allways wash your hands when you get out of your workshop.
    You did wear a respirator, hopefully?
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  9. #19
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    +1 on that!

    Spalted woods have a fungus in them that gives them that look, but the fungus can cause long term respiratory damage if inhaled. You should always wear breathing apparatus and any other protection needed when working in the shop.

  10. #20
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    My work shop was outside for many years. Funniest thing I ever saw: Diner, 3AM Saturday night into Sunday morning. Very busy place. Four uniform police, 2 in each booth sitting on either side of entrance way aisle.
    One cop has a little device. Long clear fishing string. Attached to one end, $20.00 bill, on other end, device that rewinds(snaps) line back very quickly.

    Walking in and out of diner, many, many folks who have been drinking alcohol at the local "gin mills."

    $20.00 bill on floor in center of aisle, drunk bends to pick up bill: It gets snapped back. Drunk says some fairly objectionable words, Cops laugh......Drunk moves on.

    Enter, Rolls Royce Limo, two folks get out, man and lady. Dressed to kill, you can tell very big money. Woman struts in wearing full length Mink, diamonds all over her, man also dressed very, very well. Woman sees $20.00, bends to pick it up (like a lady I should add) it gets snapped back. She looks at cops with death in her eyes, cops remain silent. Man starts to point at her and laugh uncontrollably, yelling "holy crap they got you good." Woman turns and smacks man in face, sounded like a fire cracker going off. He keeps laughing, she turns, walks out and gets into limo, it drives off.

    Cops offer a ride to man since they feel bad. Man just asks for a cab. Man leaves. Cops get up to leave a while later. Man had already paid their bill.

    There are many others, this one came to mind.
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Mvcrash For This Useful Post:

    Neil Miller (10-29-2010), Shoki (10-29-2010)

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