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  1. #1
    Junior Member olidlavoie's Avatar
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    Default Changing Blades ?

    Hi, I just bought a Kriegar Pakawood Straight Razor and after that I went to see the reviews and found out it's complete sh** so, i'm gonna try to buy a below 20$ razor (or blade alone if I find one) and switch the blades because I like the handle of the Kriegar a lot. Anyone has suggestions (where to buy, what brand to buy, is it possible to switch blades like that!).
    I'm new to everything that's relied to straight razors. I didn't even had one in hands for now!

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    It really depends on the Krieger model you bought, some are built like knives and you can't do what you are thinking of... Most all of them have very heavy scales/handles which will un-balance the razor...
    Basically the Krieger is a knife, and you need a razor...

    There are several vendors that sell lower priced razors that are completely ready to go and most importantly shave ready ....

  3. #3

  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Yeah I have two of them sitting here someplace,,, I had this idea that I could get one shaving HA !!! tried about every hone and technique I could.. I get stubborn sometimes never could get either one to hold an edge for shaving

    Name:  !CCHUYpg!mk~$(KGrHqUOKnIEz6TrDnSKBNKIVEoGW!~~0_3.jpg
Views: 955
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    See the very top at the pivot, they use at least about a 1/4 inch drift pin in there that will never fit a real razor, and the handle is way to heavy to use correctly, and it has a bottom that will also be a problem...

    Don't throw good money after bad, get a "shave ready" vintage razor, from one of the vendors here...

  5. #5
    Shattered Logistics's Avatar
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    That is one fancy looking coffee stir stick you have there.

    Follow Glen's advice and you'll be off to a good start.

  6. #6
    Still learning markevens's Avatar
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    HAHA! I just read the slogan on the box.

    I actually like the style of the scales. I have a pocket knife with the same style handle.

  7. #7
    Junior Member olidlavoie's Avatar
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    Ok, I live in canada, (in Quebec near montreal) does anyone knows of a place i can buy razors here under 20$ (i'm kinda broke, i'm a student)
    Thanks for the help
    Last edited by olidlavoie; 01-09-2011 at 10:01 PM.

  8. #8
    At Last, my Arm is Complete Again!! tinkersd's Avatar
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    Default May I Suggest??

    May I suggest you just go onto 'Classifieds' add's on this, SRP, site, buy a 'Shave Ready' Str8 for about $35 to $55 [USD's] from one of the many well trained Honmoeisters that SRP has brought to the world of wet shaving over the years. Verry competent fellows well met, so to speak. Then you just need a mug, some soap[or cream, if you prefer] some decent strop and read a lot of the basic entry's in the WIKI. You will get a great feel for the hobby and any advice you might need these blokes will happily tend. Take it easy, light touch, low angle, concetrate fully, lots of fun, you'll do fine.

    Have a Great G/day, and get that BBS every man deserves!

    tinkersd of SRP!

  9. #9
    Junior Member olidlavoie's Avatar
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    I'll buy this one, that time, I checked the reviews first and everyone says it's a good blade with kinda cheap scales but, you don't shave with the scales!

  10. #10
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Go read yer other thread and quit throwing away money,...

    That is not a good deal ...

    Are you in AU?????

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