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  1. #1
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Default Sentry tuf-glide

    Has anyone used Sentry tuf-glide on their razors? Sounds like just the thing for the pivot pin. Any adverse reactions/other reasons not to use it?
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  2. #2
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    TuffGlide (and TufCloth) are my mainstay 'preservatives' for use with my rotation razors.

    The solvent used is IIRC kerosene or naptha, and I have had no ill affects on my scales (wood, bone & 'plastic'), though I would be careful to check that your scales would be OK !!

    I tend to limit my application to the blade and tang.

    I have found TufGlide to work superbly in protecting my blades - I live in an old, cold Victorian house with sash windows, no central heating and is within a 150 yards of the English Channel. All my razors are still bright and shiny

    In my opinion, TufGlide is an excellent product.

    As TufGlide is a dry film protectant, I do not wipe it off before stropping; my strops have had no negative reactions to the TufGlide, nor has my chops

    Good luck !

    Have fun !

    Best regards

    Last edited by PhatMan; 01-16-2011 at 11:09 AM.

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to PhatMan For This Useful Post:

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  4. #3
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    The Same Here. They claim a micro-bonding takes place and I feel it is true. I use 3 or 4 drops(1 at the pivot) and smooth it down the blade with my finger, down the spine and the other balde face, then the tang. Let sit a bit and wipe excess of with paper towell. They say to wash hands and I agree. A fine product for firearms as well as knives!

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to sharptonn For This Useful Post:

    32t (01-17-2011), roughkype (01-17-2011)

  6. #4
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Thanks, guys. I'll start using it here, too, then.
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