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  1. #1
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Default stabilizing/Pressure treating wood

    This is more of how to harden your wood but fits in restoration since it's for scales. I've got some non-stabilized cedar that I want to treat but most wood working forums say it's best to put the stabilizer on then pressure treat it. they don't mention, of course, how you're supposed to pressure treat lumber in your own home. Anyone done this before?

    This is my thought. I've got an old 26 qt pressure cooker I thought I'd put a valve and pressure gauge on. I've got the material to make a nice wire rack for the inside. I thought I'd cut the pieces to rough cut sizes, slap on the stabilizer, put it on the wire rack in the modified cooker and pump that baby up to 250 lbs or so and leave it over night, no heat applied. Sound like it will work or no? I've never stabilized my own wood Nor pressure treated it.

    Any how to's or guide sheets would be much appreciated.

    Glen F

  2. #2
    < Banned User >
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    You could send it to K 'n' G. They are pretty cheap.

    Or... you can try this

  3. #3
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    [email protected] - I hone
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    I linked the tips page. Really nice info. I'da never thunk ta heat the stuff like that. I'll prolly give that a go.

    Thanks so much.

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