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Thread: Holding Blanks/Scales Together

  1. #21
    Member Puerco's Avatar
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    I use a couple of small drops from a hot glue gun, it's fast (only a few seconds, when it's cooled it holds), has just the right amount of holding power but easily comes loose when you put a knife in between the scales and the remaining glue can be peeled off without residue. I like it.
    Geezer and Chevhead like this.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Clarksville, TN
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    So I try and apply the greasless on a 4" spiral sewn wheel and it only wants to load part of the wheel...defenitely doin somethin wrong. I tried turning the buffer on and off to load with not any better results.

  3. #23
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    im no pro or master restorer but the last 2 sets i made ( first 2 sets i made ) i cut (3 )1/2" or smaller pieces of 2sided tape and put one on each end and one in the middle , it has worked great , cant pull them apart by hand but a pocket knife or flathead screwdriver between with a slight twist and they pop right apart ..
    Geezer likes this.

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