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Thread: My first custom build Straight Razor

  1. #21
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KristianSestoft View Post
    Thanks guys

    Yes, I promise that I'll tell you about the comp. It's held in Roskilde (near Copenhagen in Denmark, Europe ) the 18th and 19th of June

    Best regards
    We are all dying to know how you did!!!!! It's the 20th of June here in the states! Let us know!!!
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  2. #22
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    We are all dying to know how you did!!!!! It's the 20th of June here in the states! Let us know!!!
    I was thinking the same thing...the grind work on that blade was spot on.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  3. #23
    Senior Member ShaveShack's Avatar
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    Exceptional craftsmanship, well done and good luck in the comp!

  4. #24
    Knifemaker KristianSestoft's Avatar
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    Hi again

    I spent the weekend in Roskilde on the knife fair (I think it is called a fair?) and got to speak with a lot of nice knifemakers. There were not as many knives as last year sent to the competition, but far more in the section for "finer users" and that means like this one. Name:  Gert%20Str%C3%B8msted%20(6).jpg
Views: 593
Size:  27.1 KB Made by Gert Strømsted (Stroemsted). I'm getting bored by this kind of knife. It seems like that's the only type, Danes can make.

    But... As it turned out, there were only sent two folders to the folder competition. As you might guess, I was really disapointed. A usual folder:Name:  DSC07260.jpg
Views: 244
Size:  15.9 KB Made by Jørgen Dobel

    Now to the competition.
    The slip joint made by Jørgen Dobel won first price, but mine got nothing. I would have thought that it would have been a 2nd place... but I got no price at all!

    What I really came for, was the feedback from the judges. Now I'll translate, what I got back.

    " Knife nr. 27 (number given in the order the knives arrived with the mail)

    The knife fulfills the criterias for the specific class, but we doubt if it is safe (to use) in a long term, here having the closing function in mind.

    Good idea, we haven't seen that before - Nice thought of.

    The blade is of high quality
    (or sterling or genuine, says the dictionary) and completely fulfills its purpose.

    The house (the handle) is simple but seems slight build - could maybe have been made in the same material as the blade ???

    The pins are too rough, compared to the finish of the rest. The scales are unequal in thickness.

    Praise for the idea and the thought, the knife will be met with enthusiasm on knife shows but we strongly doubt the durability of the house in use.

    On the point scale invented for this competition where you max can get 15, the knife gets 12

    Okay, that's what the judges said about it. I dont know, who exactely judged it, but I see clear signs of NO experience with SR's. I dont even think that they ever held one.

    Please, what do you think about "but we doubt if it is safe (to use) in a long term, here having the closing function in mind." because I dont know what to make of it.

    Also, what does "but we strongly doubt the durability of the house in use." mean? It's quite chubby, compared to most of the razors, I've held in my hands. The scales are much thinner on traditional celloloid handles.

    "The scales are unequal in thickness." Point taken. They should of cause have been the same thickness. And thats what the judge are for! To tell me if it straight or not! They have to find mistakes, that I dont even know about!
    I accidently broke off a part of the scale on the inside when I was trying to scrape away some CA. The judges said nothing about this obvious flaw! I'm rather dissapointed.

    Honestly, I didn't go there for the price. I came to show all the old guys that I'm here. And I made a SR because it would spice up the "boring" competition. But Im also dissapointed because there was no real "fight"! only two knives? Seriously, Denmark! Can't you do that better?!?!

    Okay, I think that was it.
    Best regards, Kristian

    oh, by the way. I cut open a plastic bag with "kammerjunkere", a special kind of danish cookie used in desserts. The edge was quite damaged by just doing that. I need to improve my hardening skills. (and yes, I know. SR's are only for cutting hair and throats )

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to KristianSestoft For This Useful Post:

    ScottGoodman (06-20-2011), spazola (06-20-2011)

  6. #25
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    And here I was happy with just cleaning up an old blade!!! That is beautiful work. It has a bit of a rustic, vintage look with a ton of style!!! Fantastic job!
    What kind of steel did you use?

    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  7. #26
    Member Caydel's Avatar
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    From reading the judge's comments, I suspect that perhaps he didn't even recognize it as a straight razor, and was evaluating it in terms of it being used as a regular knife...

  8. #27
    Senior Member PDobson's Avatar
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    It's too bad the judges didn't appreciate your entry for what it was. That surprised me; I have found that most people I meet have no trouble recognizing a razor for what it is, even my non-folding ones.

    I too get bored with traditional Scandinavian knives. The only thing I like about them is how easy they are to grind. I think that style is too popular here in the States, so I can really feel your frustration. You'll have to come out to Montana some time, we have some very creative craftsmen.


  9. #28
    Knifemaker KristianSestoft's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KristianSestoft View Post
    The materials are thuja burl, copper for the washers and pins, 15N20 and UBH20C (for the blade)... and a drop of CA
    @ Caydel and PDobson. I agree! I even almostly knew how to strop before I started reading about SR's I'm going to ask if I can get to talk to the judges, and hear what they actually thought about it. (And find out if they ever knew what they were holding in their hands )

  10. #29
    Member Caydel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KristianSestoft View Post
    @ Caydel and PDobson. I agree! I even almostly knew how to strop before I started reading about SR's I'm going to ask if I can get to talk to the judges, and hear what they actually thought about it. (And find out if they ever knew what they were holding in their hands )
    That would be interesting to follow up - evaluated in terms of a razor, I am sure it would come out much different than if evaluated as a knife used to chop vegetables / cut branches / cut rope.

  11. #30
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    I think you got a bum deal because those guys didn't know a str8 from a hole in the ground.... Too bad. Still, you have tons to be proud of!!! You'll get them next year!

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