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  1. #1
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    Default Geo Salvage 9/8 razor scale help

    Greetings all... procured an item few months back on bay. Been shaving with it and shaves very well. But its time to put new scales on it. Need advice on
    1- what is good option to consider for scales
    2- any takers for the project ::: or guidance who to contact.

    What i was considering as scales is a dovo desert wood. Pix included.
    love the feed back.
    Finally was able to procure a Filamonica14 Sub Cero at decent price thanks to all the input give. Thanks all ^_^.
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  2. #2
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    also i must add::: black scale is new::: brwn scale is from past. From what i've been told on forum its from 1830's England.

  3. #3
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure the front scale (black horn) is the original one and the wood is a vintage replacement that was probably home done. If you are looking for someone to do a rescale for you, I would suggest looking through the member services section of the classifieds. Or if you would like advice on doing it yourself, I would suggest asking for guidance in the Workshop section of the forum.

    If she were mine, I'd send her to BKratchmer for some nice ebony, cause he did a great set for a Greaves For Barber's Use for me.

  4. #4
    Senior Member ats200's Avatar
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    Is it just me or do I see a small nick in the egde of the Savage? If I'm right I hope you got that taken care of before using it! haha

    Also, what is that drawing? Looked at first to be something maybe from the old anime show dragon ball z but after looking at the feet it could also be something else

  5. #5
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I don't think the stock dovo scales are going to fit that blade. Unless you can find a vintage replacement of the size of the old ones you're looking for a custom made and of course custom fitted scales for it.

  6. #6
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    As far as who you go with I would first figure out what material you want the scales made of, then find someone who is willing to work in said material. Look through the workshop section for finished products to get some ideas of what you like... Horn is a classic for a big meat chopper like that.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ats200 View Post
    Is it just me or do I see a small nick in the egde of the Savage? If I'm right I hope you got that taken care of before using it! haha

    Also, what is that drawing? Looked at first to be something maybe from the old anime show dragon ball z but after looking at the feet it could also be something else
    Art work inspiration was from DBZ. Classic show and still in top 5 of all time anime series. Ninja Scroll, Golgo 13 and, Fist of North Star follow closely by. First i thought of putting different art work for each pix. But wind in Sfl was a real blower today.
    Back to Razor talk:::
    Well I've been considering Desert or Iron wood for scales. Wont probly do it myself. Yes custom scales. No switches. Unless I was going to someone's workshop (highly unlikely with work+college). or someone who has done the work before. I will scout the workshop forum. Come to think of it I do not have a white scale razor. Was thinkin of gettin a Turdor 5/8 but had to put it on hold; for some sunglasses hunt.
    Yes there is a nick at very end of the razor. To take off this bump do circular motion on 1000 grit stone? 2000 then 4000???

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