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Thread: First Restoration Attempt – T.R. Cadman & Sons Sheffield England - Bengall

  1. #1
    Senior Member Brighty83's Avatar
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    Default First Restoration Attempt – T.R. Cadman & Sons Sheffield England - Bengall

    Well, i found this online in an antiques store near me and purchased it for $20 in the hope to get some experience with restoration.

    Its a 'T.R. Cadman & Sons Sheffield England' and on the other side of the blade it has 'Bengall'

    I don't know anything about this blade so maybe someone will beable to help with that, tell me what they are like and if its worth the $20

    There was a fair bit of staining, rust and scratching on the scales

    Before Restoration Photos
    Name:  52047ef_20.jpg
Views: 4748
Size:  28.9 KB
    (above photo was the online photo, the rest were taken by me)

    Name:  IMG_20110707_121444.jpg
Views: 4395
Size:  14.8 KB

    Name:  IMG_20110707_121458.jpg
Views: 4387
Size:  17.3 KB

    The Below photo is after the restoration, in the top left corner of the blade\spine it looks like a mark on the blade - its actual my reflection lol and not a scratch
    Name:  IMG_20110707_155651.jpg
Views: 4402
Size:  37.9 KB

    I polished the scales with a very fine 'car cut and polish' and I managed to get all the scratching out of the scales and made them a slightly cream\yellow color rather then the plain yellow, I sanded the blade and buffed it with a dremel and got 99% of the rust and stains off it, I honed and stropped the blade and give the blade a little test shave - all seems to be good

    I just need to find some pins and put it back together
    Last edited by Brighty83; 07-07-2011 at 11:49 AM.

  2. #2
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    The 'Bengall. brand was sold in the far East and Australasia, so it a rare brand in Europe/America. In Oz they were a dominant force in the market.
    I don't own one, but they have an excellent reputation as being very fine shavers.

    Most Bengalls I have seen have come in black bakelite handles and very few have designs stamped on the tang. So you have managed to score a rare version of a razor that is uncommon (in world terms) to begin with.

    $20 is about the going rate for razors in decent condition but in need of restoration, although antique shops will usually try to tell you differently.

    For pins go down to your local hobby store and ask for 1/16 inch brass rod.
    Nedbub likes this.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Pauly For This Useful Post:

    Brighty83 (07-08-2011)

  4. #3
    Senior Member Brighty83's Avatar
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    Thanks Pauly,

    At first i wasn't sure if it was a good brand or not.. I took it to the hone the first time and got it shaving but it shaved like a sharp kitchen knife, i wasnt sure if this was because it was a cheap razor or because of the awkwardness of having no scales on it lol, anyway i went back to the hone for a second pass on the 6k and the 10k, re stropped and it came up nice and sharp..

    Its a small razor though, about 3mm smaller the my 5/8 razors, i don't know what size that would be? 4/8?
    Last edited by Brighty83; 07-07-2011 at 10:03 AM.

  5. #4
    Member Str8Raz0r's Avatar
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    Looks good so far. The blade has come up nicely. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

  6. #5
    Member Exile's Avatar
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    I own several Bengalls and they are fantastic shavers. The first one was given to me by a friend and they have become my favourite razors. Yours is an older version from what I can gather because of the fancy tang. It is rare version not having black scales as was already said. The price of $20 is very good they go for £20 to £40 in the UK depending on the condition.

    Hope you enjoy your new razor you have done a very good restoration of it.

  7. #6
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    Looks like a great job Brighty.
    I hope my next one looks as good.
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  8. #7
    Senior Member Durhampiper's Avatar
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    Cadman made great razors--you got a great deal only paying $20. My first straight (gift from my wife) was a Bengall--love it. Great job on the restoration!
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  9. #8
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    great find!! Now you have to join the bengall brotherhood in the forums here.

    Keep us up to date on its progress...

    Thanks for sharing mate!!

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  10. #9
    Senior Member Brighty83's Avatar
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    I have ordered some pins, it will take about two weeks to get them though

    Edit: I fount a shop that sells the rods! 36" $3.70 no all i need to do is find the washers... or wait until i get my order lol
    Last edited by Brighty83; 07-08-2011 at 09:18 AM.

  11. #10
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    Yep, Bengalls kick butt. Thats a nice one you scored there, I'd say for $20 you've done well.
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