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  1. #11
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sotogusto
    I purchased a Wusthof s/s Barber King #377 5/8 it has never been used, for shaving that is. Apparently it was used as a drum stick because it has four maybe five dents on the edge. Is anyone subscribed to this forum able to handle this type of repair? Or maybe knows who can and how much I can expect to pay for it? I mentioned this shaver on the neubies corner but got no answer as to whom may repair it, figure give it another shot, perhaps this is the appropiate forum.
    This was my first purchase and through e bay at that. I realize now that I payed way too much(learning experience). At least if I can end up with a good shaver then the pain will not be so great on the end.

    Someone point me to the right person or company, please!.

    From the pictures, this one doesn't look bad. You could probably do it yourself. Just tape the spine and do some circular strokes on thee 4K. When all the imperfections look like they're gone, remove the tape and do another 5-10 normal round trips (I usually look under a mocroscope to make sure I've eliminated the compund bevel. In any case, once the razor passes a thumbnail test move on to normal honing.

  2. #12
    Knife & Razor Maker Joe Chandler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Lerch
    From the pictures, this one doesn't look bad. You could probably do it yourself. Just tape the spine and do some circular strokes on thee 4K. When all the imperfections look like they're gone, remove the tape and do another 5-10 normal round trips (I usually look under a mocroscope to make sure I've eliminated the compund bevel. In any case, once the razor passes a thumbnail test move on to normal honing.

    It was that bad. I've never seen a blade damaged in quite that way before, and I'm definitely impressed Bill was able to fix it. It was more the type of damage that the amount that made it so problematic, like somebody put the edge on a marble and whacked it with a hammer.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Chandler
    It was that bad. I've never seen a blade damaged in quite that way before, and I'm definitely impressed Bill was able to fix it. It was more the type of damage that the amount that made it so problematic, like somebody put the edge on a marble and whacked it with a hammer.
    I didn't realize Bill and Ricardo were talking about the same razor.

  4. #14
    Junior Member sotogusto's Avatar
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    Hi Joe L.

    You are absolutely right the blade don't look so bad in the pictures and more important the pictures don't show the damage at all. That is partly how I ended buying the thing . Joe Chandler had the chance to witness first hand the carnage done to this blade. I seriously think that the edge was tapped against something, It was totally warped/undulated.

    I can't wait to get it back and see the results of Bill's work.

    P.S. Hey Joe C. how about your new picture, your last visit to the dentist?
    Last edited by sotogusto; 09-21-2006 at 04:36 AM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member gglockner's Avatar
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    Let us all know how it shaves, that has always been my curiosity with this brand. I had no idea it had so much damage. The sellers just really do not know what they are looking at. You take your chances with any razor out there unless you know the they are in the business.


  6. #16
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    Can't stay...bye bye, now...
    Last edited by urleebird; 12-21-2006 at 03:56 AM.

  7. #17
    OLD BASTARD bg42's Avatar
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    Nice job Bill ,could you let us in on the secrete on how you did it without cracking the blade
    Kind regards Peter

  8. #18
    Junior Member sotogusto's Avatar
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    Hello friends,

    A quick update on the Wusthof saga, yesterday I received my razor in the mail after the miraculous work performed by Bill. After opening the package I couldn't believe it was the same razor. I think that Bill is being a bit too modest when he referred to it as just usable. Granted it might not compare to those custom jobs, but this blade ended up being a solid shaver. The blade is perfectly straight, sharp enough to circumcise gnats, it feels very well balanced and also comfortable to maneuver.

    Of course I found myself at 2am taking it for the first spin. I found it to be an excellent little shaver. Aside from the fabulous repair job performed by Bill, "the little blade that could" sports a very thin edge which makes it shave very nice. So needless to say I went to bed with a smooth face and a big smile courtesy of Bill "Merlin" Ellis to whom I want to express my most sincere gratitude.

  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    Bill is a master craftsman...he resurrects masterpieces and creates works of art...he is incredibly modest about his work.

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