I voted restore. That'll always be my vote though, because I've always tended to find great joy in making old things new again. Like the others, I'd suggest checking out the member services. I can't speak for others, but restoring anything is really more a labor of love. Meaning to say, if you tackle a restore with the idea of turning a quick profit, you're probably gonna quit before you've bought the bandsaw, belt sander, CA, other assorted chemicals, 150 dollars worth of hones, scale material, 7 different polishing compounds, 4 different greaseless compounds, calipers, microfasteners, pinning materials, shiny 13 dollar ball peen hammer, 10 different grits of sandpaper at 8 bucks per 3 sheet pack, wax, drop cloths, respirator, maas, files...so many different files, drill press, rotary tool, and all those little $4.00 packages of rotary tool accessories, vise....and the list goes on and on I'm sure. I've only been here a few weeks, and that's what it seems to take. Or, you could send them to somebody in member services who probably already has that, in addition to the knowledge and experience to do it right, all for an affordable price. On the flip side, I'm having alot of fun doing my own so far. Of course, I've been working on the same one for 3 weeks, spent about 300 bucks, and am certain the razor in question will be worth the same ten dollars I paid for it when I'm done. Of course, we do have the benefit of all the free and valuable advice on this website, which is really worth more than all the equipment a person could buy. So there you go....opinion of a new guy...take it with salt.