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Thread: CLR?

  1. #1
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    Default CLR?

    has anyone tried use or soak blades in CLR? how did it go?

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    The key word there is "Soaking"
    Many use "Scrubbing Bubbles" or Comet/Ajax/Barkeepers Friend for initial clean ups, but so far I have never seen one instance of any long term soaking in anything have a positive outcome...
    Perhaps as a cleaner it might work but I would advise very close monitoring the first time you try it, as many Bathroom Cleaners contain an acid so be careful ...

  3. #3
    Senior Member RayCover's Avatar
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    gssixgun is right a lot of rust removers and bathroom cleaners contain phosphoric acid. Not as many as years ago. When the big anti-phosphates craze hit a lot of brands changed their formula. Some of the hardcore brands kept the phosphoric acid (the ones that still really work). I don't have any here at the moment to check, but the stuff does work well so I do suspect that CLR still contains phosphoric acid.

    Phosphoric acid is great at removing rust, gun bluing etc. but if you leave it to long it will eat any pitting even deeper and eventually will leave a rough charcoal looking layer on the steel. Phosphoric acid is also the main ingredient in a lot of metal paint prep solutions. Along with getting rid of any oils or waxes on the metal, what it does is "bite" the surface of the steel leaving a rougher surface for the paint to mechanically bond to.

    The thing with chemical cleaning is that you can't pinpoint where it works. It will work the entire surface it comes in contact with not just the rusty spots. To clean with it in a limited and localized way would probably be OK but I would not recommend soaking.



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    Yeah im going to say holly crap. So I posted this and put a blade in over night last night. I pulled it out this morning so about 8 hours. Blade is completely black and half the etching is gone. Damn I really liked that razor. I took a paper towel to it and the black scrubs right off like gun powder. Well hey we know know it can clean rust and eat steel. WOW.

  5. #5
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    So here are after pics. The Rattler was soaked for 8 hours and then sanded with 1500 for about 5 min with MAAS. You could barely see it prior.

    The diamond edge soaked for an hour and was sanded over 1 quickly with 1500 and MAAS.

    My initial reaction to the Rattler above was before polish compound. I will warn you that it did eat at the metal turning black like coal.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Check this thread out for another rust removal option:

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