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  1. #1
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    Default Hart Steel Replacement Scales

    Hi All,

    I recently purchased a Henckels Friodur 8/8 Scalloped Spanish Point that came with a set of black plastic scales I am not to fond of. I'm looking for a cheap means of rescaling this monster. Hart Steel is starting to sell replacement scales for their 7/8 razors. Do you think that these scales would fit on the 8/8 spanish blade?



  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Some things to note on the 8/8 Friodurs...

    Note how far out on pivot the pins are on the plastic scales, the 8/8 Friodur has quite the heel and it will protrude on most scales...

    You need to double check the screw that Hart uses as many of these are over size which would mean that you might have to re-drill the pivot hole.

    Look very carefully at the tang and spine on your razor, many of them are quite challenging when re-scaling because of the warps back there.

    These are just some of the problems that the 8/8's have when re-scaling besides being one long razor

  3. #3
    Brad Maggard Undream's Avatar
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    I have two Hart steel razors in for rescaling right now. some things to note:

    Hart Steel drills their pivot holes 3/16". Yes, thats right! 3 times the "normal" german razor pivot hole size (1/16"). The Allen-screw barrels are 3/16" OD, and the scales are made to only accept this size barrel. So, you'd have to drill out your Friodur with a 3/16" bit (possibly not an easy task, considering some razor tangs are extremely hard)

    The scales themselves aren't extremely well made, the insides of the scales are rather rough, and being one piece, they do not have a very "wedgie" wedge -- probably not a huge issue considering how wide the tangs are on Hart razors (Friodurs will likely be a little thinner), but, not very desirable aesthetically IMO.

    just wanted to add that info..

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Undream For This Useful Post:

    gssixgun (11-28-2011), PensacolaTiger (11-28-2011)

  5. #4
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    Thank you guys for the great info as always! It looks like I'll just have to save up and get a custom rescale from one of our skilled craftsmen here on SRP.



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