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  1. #1
    Senior Member Krisdavie's Avatar
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    Default help removing minor nick from blades edge

    hi guys, i bought a razor from ebay and a little foolishly did not really pay much attention to it (i did however get it for practically nothing so no real loss), when it arrived today i noticed a TINY chip in the (bevel?) cutting edge about 1cm in from the toe of the razor, its no thicker than the edge of the blade maybe 0.25 / 0.5 mm and about 1.5mm in length theres no cracks or any other damage so im happy thats the only problem.

    i will do my best to get a pic of the chip tmrw to help out diagnose any repair advice

    If i were to send it off for a good professional honing im confident it could be taken out quite easily, but was wondering if it was at all possible for me to take the chip out using nothing more than a BB and a C12k set of hones?

    Im open to honest answers to this as i would rather send it off and pay to have it removed if there is even the slightest chance of me goofing it up with an incorrect set of hones.

    My other question is a more UK based query, but is there any good metal polishes equivilant to Maas (i hope thats the right spelling) that i can get in the UK to bring a nice mirror shine to my razor and remove some surface rust?

    any advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Without even seeing a pic, I can tell you that any nick/chip/ding that is inside the size of the bevel can be honed out with just time and a bit of skill with about any hone...

    Once the size gets bigger than the bevel then it gets a bit more interesting

  3. #3
    Senior Member Krisdavie's Avatar
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    ok so as promised here is the best pic i can muster of the nick in the blade, thanks to gssixgun for the quick reply about removing the nick from the blade.

    am i better off using the BB stone to get the nick out and then finish with the c12k? as the blade is not even sharp enough to remove arm / leg hair at the moment.

  4. #4
    Senior Member monkeypuzzlebeefeater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krisdavie View Post
    My other question is a more UK based query, but is there any good metal polishes equivilant to Maas (i hope thats the right spelling) that i can get in the UK to bring a nice mirror shine to my razor and remove some surface rust?
    I use very small of T-cut metal polish I got from Tesco for about £4 a tube. I have been using it to remove rust and it seems to do the trick I then use a product my local jeweller sold me its called Luxor. I dont know if anyone else would use this combination but its the best I could come up with not having any maas or jewlers rouge, I been using it for about 6 months and it seems to be a good combination.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Krisdavie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeypuzzlebeefeater View Post
    I use very small of T-cut metal polish I got from Tesco for about £4 a tube. I have been using it to remove rust and it seems to do the trick I then use a product my local jeweller sold me its called Luxor. I dont know if anyone else would use this combination but its the best I could come up with not having any maas or jewlers rouge, I been using it for about 6 months and it seems to be a good combination.
    ooo now thats a good idea never though of using t-cut

  6. #6
    Senior Member monkeypuzzlebeefeater's Avatar
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    I dont really know if it is suitable, but it seems to do the trick well, especially when i use the dremmel

  7. #7
    Senior Member Krisdavie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeypuzzlebeefeater View Post
    I dont really know if it is suitable, but it seems to do the trick well, especially when i use the dremmel
    i think whilst its another good idea, i will keep away from the dremel as i have had very mixed results using it to polish metal in the past, my worst effort was to polish brass bullet casings where you could see the "shimmer effects" on the metal where the polishing tip had been.

    Plus i have read too many horror stories on here about shattering blades and chopping fingers for me to even think about using a dremel, as i tend to attract bad luck with high rpm power tools

    but thank you for the reply.

  8. #8
    Senior Member monkeypuzzlebeefeater's Avatar
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    I know exactly what you mean, usually me and anything more powerful than an electric toothbrush with a flat battery is a dangerous mix, but so far I have managed to avoid some kind of Final Destination type sequence of events, resulting in the loss of digits.

    And you're welcome.

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