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  1. #1
    Senior Member Krisdavie's Avatar
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    Default Tiny sized washers - FYI - Found a UK Supplier

    Hi guys,
    figured i would post a quick message to let you know that i managed to find a uk based website that can provide very small diameter washers, i have been looking to restore two razors for a while but have struggled to find uk sources for brass rods and washers small enough to-do the job.

    here is a link to the website incase anyone is interested in ordering from there. BTW i have no connection to the site or the people that run it, i just figured i would offer another solution to sourcing small razor repair parts.

    Socket Screws, Supplier, Model Screws, Machine Screw Fasteners, Nuts Bolts, Screw Supplier, Screws, BA Screws, Metric Screws, Screw Things, Screws Nuts, Nuts, Nuts Screws, Bolts, Washers, Cap Screws, Allen Screws, Socket Head Cap Screws.

    the page your after for washers is

    brass screws

    and the size i was given is 10BA, there also pretty cheap as well

    hope this helps


  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Krisdavie For This Useful Post:

    4beez (12-14-2011), PaddyX21 (12-08-2011), randydance062449 (12-08-2011)

  3. #2
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting the link!
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

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