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Thread: first razor restore (in progress) needed

  1. #11
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    +1 on Mother's brand. Also, you can use wd-40 or windex while sanding instead of water. Either work better.

  2. #12
    Senior Member tumtatty's Avatar
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    Harbor Freight has some good (and inexpensive) wet/dry paper up through 1200 grit. I think it's around $3 a pack and they even have packs with each incremental grit. That's what I use.
    +1 on Mother's. It's great stuff.

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  4. #13
    Pithy Yet Degenerate. ryanjewell's Avatar
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    ah, i realized i never updated this!

    i diligently made it through 1000 and have wound up here:

    Name:  Superior.jpg
Views: 199
Size:  26.2 KBName:  superior2.jpg
Views: 197
Size:  48.8 KB

    it's really darn close. i could take it up through micromesh, but i've decided i'm going to send it off to someone to rescale (just too much of a hassle to do scales by hand, i think) and so i might have them finish it up on the buffers...but it doesn't need much. i'm thinking very grey horn with silvered color pins/washers would be lovely on this big bad guy. i had some progress removing the devil's spit from the spine, but not all the way...i'm hoping whoever i have do the rescale could take a crack at that as well.

    in the meantime, still no information about where in the world this razor could be from...i just know i've got "superior temper" on the tang and a faint etching of "magnum bonum" on the top of the spine.
    Havachat45 likes this.

  5. #14
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    What a lovely job, Ryan.
    I would offer to do the rescale for you, however, you may not get it back......hehehehe.
    I would consider traditional dark horn with a bone wedge and silver hardware, but that is just me.
    Please show us the finished product and let us know how it shaves.
    Last edited by Havachat45; 04-04-2012 at 02:23 AM.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Havachat45 For This Useful Post:

    ryanjewell (04-04-2012)

  7. #15
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Wow, that turned out lovely. I love the profile of that razor, the beefy tang and the plain functional design. Your grandpa would be proud

  8. #16
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    +1 on the profile and that blade is looking very nice.

  9. #17
    At Last, my Arm is Complete Again!! tinkersd's Avatar
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    If that's your 1st hand sanded blade then don't ever get discouraged, you are doin' great from the outset!!
    That's in my opion a first class job!! Keep up the good work!!!

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