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Thread: Is anyone using a Planer ???

  1. #11
    Senior Member RayCover's Avatar
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    Hey Glen, I have planed small pieces in mine but like skipard I have had to use double sided tape to attach to a larger board to run it through. Once you get less than about 8" in length mine gets kinda squirrelly unless you attach the small piece to larger stock. I have not tried this with acrylic and frankly seeing how acrylic turns on a wood lathe I would stand back near the circuit breaker the first time I tried to run acrylic through a planner.

    I have had decent success doing wood that way using my 12" portable planer form Grizzly.
    How repeatable? With my planer that depends on how thick a cut you're trying to take in one pass. Mine is pretty accurate and repeatable (within a run of several parts) as long as I don't try to take more than about 1/32" off on the final pass.


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  3. #12
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I already have to attach the pieces to another piece of wood to save my fingers This is what I am trying to avoid,,

    Bandsaws, Thin kerf, reverse cut table saws, Belt sanders, yada yada yada I have been there done that I am looking for something rather exact, cutting large/long strips will not work for me I do Mirror pieces on scales ..

    It has to be able to feed a 1x6 or at the most a 1.5x6 or it is no better than what I am doing now...

    I know I am asking for a alot, but what I have works, I just want easier
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  4. #13
    Senior Member RayCover's Avatar
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    You may find something talking to model makers. Folks who make miniatures and doll house furniture work with small stock all the time. If there is a way to do it fast and accurate someone in that community is bound to have figured it out by now.

  5. #14
    Senior Member osdset's Avatar
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    The Wagner Safe-T-Planer STEWMAC.COM : Wagner Safe-T-Planer I have used mine to thickness hardwood down to 2mm. A good video of it in action here Videos 5th link from the bottom.
    Last edited by osdset; 03-11-2012 at 01:32 AM.

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  7. #15
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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  9. #16
    epd is offline
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    If you are having difficulties with small pieces in the planer maybe you should consider taking a peice of hardwood flooring, rip off the tongue and groove and glue/staple on some 13/16"X1/4" strips on the sides....
    It will act as a guide, you dont have to fasten it or the piece, just sit it in there and run your piece through..
    I say hardwood flooring only because of the smooth varnish finish, you can use anything of course.

  10. #17
    Senior Member RayCover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by osdset View Post
    The Wagner Safe-T-Planer STEWMAC.COM : Wagner Safe-T-Planer I have used mine to thickness hardwood down to 2mm. A good video of it in action here Videos 5th link from the bottom.
    Cool idea! This thing works kinda like a fly wheel cutter on a milling machine. I can think of all kinds of uses for that.

  11. #18
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    199$ on sale at home depot

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  13. #19
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by osdset View Post
    The Wagner Safe-T-Planer
    Looking for a solution to the exact problem Glen describes, I bought one of these units about a year ago... Either I am using it wrong (which is very possible, though I read the directions several times) or it does not work as advertised.
    On large stock it works great.

    On small stock, it likes to send work pieces flying into the wall.

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  14. #20
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Glen, getting a planer for around that money that will handle 1/8 thin pieces without snipe is not going to happen unless you spend big bucks.
    And its not going to happen with one of them beercan planer from the borg either!!
    The Solution is to buy blanks that are 14 inches long and thicker, buy a woodworker II table saw blade, with a zero-clearance insert, and rip them on your table saw they will come real smooth.
    Ive cut all kind of hardwood including ebony purpleheart etc etc without any problem and safely!!
    Thats if you have a good table saw
    Last edited by Martin103; 03-13-2012 at 01:31 AM.

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