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Thread: Warp practice

  1. #1
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Default Warp practice

    I bought a nice looking Boker. It has very ornate scales and "Good as Gold" etched on the blade. It looks like it will clean up nicely.

    It has a defect that was hidden in the pictures and the seller carefully didn't mention the problem so I can't bitch too much.

    The scales are warped, not enough to hit the blade, but I wouldn't sell a razor in this condition without stating it. I'll saw up a piece of wood to put in the middle and try to clamp it in boiling water and see what happens. The blade slides back and forth a bit, so I may have to unpin it. I hope not.

    I'll post before pics later today.

  2. #2
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    if the scales are not noticeably warped and alignment is only off a bit and the blade slides a bit, you may just need to tighten up the pin. I'd personally spend a few minutes tightening the pin then decide what to do from there. This is all assuming that the warp is not visible.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I think Glen posted a tutorial on straightening warped scales in the SRP 'Library' . I agree with TheBaron though. I would tighten the pins and live with it unless the blade hits.

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