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  1. #1
    Member IcemanOkC's Avatar
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    Petaluma, California
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    Default Gillette Chippendale box restore

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Box.jpg 
Views:	497 
Size:	59.0 KB 
ID:	97038I looked at this for a long time before finally forking over the $12 for it.

    My son has been kicking aro
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Razor.jpg 
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Size:	39.7 KB 
ID:	97040und the idea of using a DE so I decided he could have my Edwin Jager if I can make this work. I'm feeling OK about the progress I'm making on the razor. Everything is solid brass, so I won't polish the plating off of it.

    The bottom looked pretty much like thClick image for larger version. 

Name:	Bottom.jpg 
Views:	498 
Size:	35.1 KB 
ID:	97041e top, and as you can see it polished up fairly well.

    Shine is fine, but the patina is k
    Name:  Box 1.jpg
Views: 431
Size:  44.0 KB
    ind of kewl too. Besides the rust is so deep that I'm afraid I would make holes in the box trying to get it all out. I'm wondering if I should start polishing from the diagonal corner, and let it fade into the patina across the top and sides. Put a couple of coats of museum wax over the whole thing, patina and all, and shave away.

    Thoughts, ideas, instructions?



  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Jan 2011
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    Lots of verdigris on that box (brass rust equvalant),go easy on it, only thing I would do.good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
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    I don't know anything about restoring it, but that is an awesome brass container. Seems like a steal for $12.

  4. #4
    Member IcemanOkC's Avatar
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    Petaluma, California
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    Thanks... I really like it. The patent is 1/13/1920. I imagine some grad, or dad, or soldier got it as a gift.

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