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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Greetings, and some questions, plz.

    Recently came into an old straight-razor which I intend to try to restore.

    Normally, I make custom knives, and knife scales, etc.

    So figured I'd have a go at this.
    I have pinstock for some of the knives I've made, but - what size are these for SR's , actually?
    Also the washers for these- are they specific to pins for razors, or can one just find general washers from wherever?

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I moved this into the Workshop so you will get even more answers...

    At the top of the Workshop forum is a sticky in red that has everything about Restorations and where to get stuff what you need and how to use it..

    We (Max & I) try and and keep it as up to date as possible and as simple and basic as possible...

    Down at the bottom is some of the places to get supplies but most Knife supply places is who I hit up for 1/16 Brass and Nickel Silver rod, Microfasteners is the place to go for washers...

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I moved this into the Workshop so you will get even more answers...

    At the top of the Workshop forum is a sticky in red that has everything about Restorations and where to get stuff what you need and how to use it..

    We (Max & I) try and and keep it as up to date as possible and as simple and basic as possible...

    Down at the bottom is some of the places to get supplies but most Knife supply places is who I hit up for 1/16 Brass and Nickel Silver rod, Microfasteners is the place to go for washers...

    Excellent ! Ty!

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