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  1. #1
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    Default Restoring Grand Father's Razor

    I recently ran across my grand father's straight razor. I would like to do a restoration and display it in my bathroom beside my chrome plated DE razor and chrome shaving cup.(see photo below) The blade is not in bad shape and will have it sharpened and polished by a professional in my area with no intention of ever shaving with it. I am thinking about engraving my grand father's name on the blade.

    Perhaps some of you have ideas for decorating the blade as well as how to best displaying it after restoration?

    Thanks in advance!
    John Taylor

  2. #2
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    I think you'd do it greater honor by using it. If you're going to display it, you should probably get it up and away from stuff you actually use, because it'll get wet there. If you're not actually using it, you probably won't be opening and drying it regularly. A drop of water left sitting could do a lot of damage in just a few days.

    I wouldn't try engraving the blade; it's very hard, very thin steel. I don't know but strongly suspect that the markings we see on blades were added before the final hardening.
    Last edited by roughkype; 05-26-2012 at 03:53 PM.

  3. #3
    Pithy Yet Degenerate. ryanjewell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roughkype View Post
    I think you'd do it greater honor by using it. If you're going to display it, you should probably get it up and away from stuff you actually use, because it'll get wet there. If you're not actually using it, you probably won't be opening and drying it regularly. A drop of water left sitting could do a lot of damage in just a few days.
    +1 even if it's not near anything you regularly use, the bathroom isn't a great choice as the moisture/steam from the shower could cause it to rust pretty quickly.

  4. #4
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    Thank you so much for your rapid reply.

    As for shaving with a straight razor... I am barely able to shave with a DE razor without knicking my face. I can't imagine the damage I would do with a straight razor! (smile)

    You are making me have second thoughts about the engraving on the blade. Looking at photos of other razors I would guess that the lettering is either put on the blade before hardening as you suggest or the lettering is applied via chemical etching. I will have to examine this further.

    I never thought about the moisture in the bathroom. I have a great place on top of my chest of drawers away from the bathroom that I could use for display purposes. I wish I had his old mug and brush to display with it.


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