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Thread: Rust Removal Evaporust

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Rust Removal Evaporust

    I read Walt’s post about molasses the other day and thought about the rust research and solution I came up with recently. My Grandson, Son & I are restoring a 1967 GTO, matching numbers, rust free car we found, literally stored in a garage for 20 years.

    I researched rust removal as we were about to pull and rebuild the engine. I looked at electrolysis and molasses but stumbled across Evaporustin an Auto Restoration forum. A few days later, standing in line at Harbor Freight there it was on the shelf at the end of the check-out stand. I bought 2 gallons. I think it was about $20 bucks a gallon.We boiled all the bolts and small part in Simple Green in a slow cooker to de gunk them, tossed into a 1 gallon water jug and covered with Evaporust and left them over night. Evaporust removed all the rust even deep pitted rust and left a grey coating similar to acid etching.

    Walt got me thinking, I had bought this razor for $2 bucks, for the scales and dug it out of my “Project” box to unpin and test the Evaporust. It appears it was re-pined at some time with what appears to be a steel nail. As luck would have it, the pivot pin was bent in a C and broke the scale, it must have had a hair line crack as it was well supported and I was very lightly tapping. Anyway, I have some nice spacer material.

    The directions say it will remove surface rust in 30 mins. I got carried away and it was closer to 40 min before I checked it. Wiping with just my finger removed most of the light surface rust. A scotch bright pad removed more, see the toe half of the bladeand a Stainless Steel brush even more see the heel half of the same side of theblade. There is was still some rust on the tang at the pivot and the other side of the blade and some near the toe.

    I the interest of Razor Science, I did not touch those areas any further and place it back into the bottle filled with Evaporust for a12 hour soak. Evaporust is not toxic according to the label and can be reused even after it turns black. We’ve been using the same gallon of juice for 6 months with good results. This test is with new product from the other bottle.

    12 hrs later I pulled out the razor and all rust was gone only black spots where the rust was. 10 strokes with a scotch bright and 10 with a stainless steel brush remove most of the black. It is rust free now. I put the blade back in for another 12 hrs just for the heck and will check in the morning.

    It is some pretty amazing stuffand washes off with water, no fumes, no gloves and it can be reuse.

    Photos are in reverse order, could not figure out how to move them. the first photos are after 12 hrs the others are after 40 mins. I will update with photos in the am with results after 24 hrs.
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    Last edited by Euclid440; 06-09-2012 at 01:37 PM.
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  2. #2
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Very interesting project!

    Please keep us informed how it works out!!

    I just found this link:

    EvapoRust Demonstration - YouTube

    I hope it will help.
    Last edited by cudarunner; 06-09-2012 at 06:06 AM.

  • #3
    Senior Member Walt's Avatar
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    Yeah, it sounds good. But, can you bake a shoo fly pie or distill a gallon of fine 80 proof "razorum" with the unused EvapoRust that's still in the bottle? . . . I don't think you can. That is very interesting stuff. Fast acting too. I'm sure the guys with buffing wheels are yawning and dozing off when they read about this stuff. But, for those of use who work at the kitchen table (or the picnic table when the weather is good) it has possibilities. Thanks for tip.

    Regards - Walt
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  • #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Ok life got in the way and it was 48 hr before I got the razor out of the evaprust. now almost all the black is gone and all the rust is gone.Name:  1. 48 hr.jpg
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  • #5
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    White vinegar does about the same thing, just a bit slower and less expensive.

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  • #6
    Junior Member RedLeg13F's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by medicevans View Post
    White vinegar does about the same thing, just a bit slower and less expensive.

    Wow...the restoration job on that vise is beautiful. I'm amazed at the difference before and after vinegar. What else did you have to do between those two shots? I'm assuming a wire brush scrubbing?

  • #7
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    I wish these forums had rep points like some of the others, i would give you points not only for doing the test but because your a grandfather and you have an iphone
    roughkype likes this.

  • #8
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    Holy Cleanup!!..thats amazing...

  • #9
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    Thank you Redleg. I won't derail the op' thread, but there was very very little wire brushing, and none of it was hard stuck on. Maybe 15 minutes of brushing when it was all said and done.

    To be fair, I think evaporust might work better on razors, but a gallon of white vinegar is $1.48 at our walmart. I don't have any rusty razors, or I'd try it. Anyone have any they want me to try?

    I put the buckets in the sun on the driveway, which helps get the vinegar warm and helps it work.
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  • #10
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post

    Walt got me thinking, I had bought this razor for $2 bucks, for the scales and dug it out of my “Project” box to unpin and test the Evaporust. It appears it was re-pined at some time with what appears to be a steel nail. As luck would have it, the pivot pin was bent in a C and broke the scale, it must have had a hair line crack as it was well supported and I was very lightly tapping. Anyway, I have some nice spacer material.
    Are those celluloid scales? If so I would toss them away as far and fast as you can. They probably caused the rust in the first place.
    saitou and engine46 like this.

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