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Thread: Wondering how to clean this razor

  1. #11
    @SRP we do not work alone bonitomio's Avatar
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    If you start with MAAS or similar polish you will remove surface dust, grease, rust etc and show what is below.
    Then you can decide which grit to start with.

    250 grit is the lowest I ever need to use, and I donīt use it that often.
    2000 grit is very fine which I usually finish with, but there are finer ones available.

    Make sure you work in a pyramid fashion ie if you donīt thoroughly remove ALL scratch marks from the previous grit with the current one you are using, the subsequent grits will not remove them either and you will not have a beautiful finish in the end.
    The smaller the jumps between grits the easier it is to achieve this :

  2. #12
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    I find that 1000 and 1200 grit sandpaper works best. Harbor Freight has the best prices on the paper. It does little damage to the blade while removing the rust.
    For the premium wet dry at those numbers I find it at auto supply stores in their car paint sections. But it's costly.

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Don't forget cape Cod Polishing Cloths. They can work wonders if you have patience. If you use a dremmel make sure you use eye protection. I can assure you if you hit the edge of a razor with one a razor edged piece of metal will travel at jet propelled speed with perfect accuracy towards your eyes.

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