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Thread: Vibrating A Duck

  1. #1
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    Default Vibrating A Duck

    A couple of questions about doing a restore. I've picked up a Bresduck Dubl Duck Special #1. It's in pretty good shape with minor pitting near the shoulder and rust around the pivot and the tang.

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    However the bluing is pretty well intact and I would like to keep it that way. The first question I have is about the using the tumbler and the bluing. I just picked up a Frankford Arsenal tumbler and have my first blade, a no name, in the corn media after 36 hours in the Lyman Turbo walnut media with the Flitz. I have a couple of blades to do before I get to the Duck but before I do, I wanted to ask about the tumbling action on the bluing. I searched the tumbling threads and didn't see a reference to bluing. Will the walnut take the bluing off or leave it intact?

    The other question is about the scales. I plan on keeping the plastic scales as they too are in pretty good shape with just a couple of deeper scratches. What's the preferred polish for these kind of scales? I've worked with Novus in the past for clear plexi but is that needed for the older yellow?

    I'll have repinned a couple of razors before I get to this one so I won't be starting on a quality razor. Anything unique about repinning a Double Duk?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    32t is offline
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    I have never tried tumbling with blueing but I see no reason why it wouldn't be removed.

    That being said I have tried and am not a fan of tumbling.

    Clean it up and reblue it.


  3. #3
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    You could wrap tape around the bluing to protect it in the tumbler.
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  4. #4
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    I have used a tumbler on a few blades, but never on one with bluing. I would guess it would probably take it off a from my understanding the bluing is a coating and the tumbler is essentially lightly sanding the whole blade. Your best bet would probably be to tape the bluing or just reapply out after the tumbler

  5. #5
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    From the sounds of it, I think I'll be happier doing it by hand. Nothing wrong with good, honest work.

    Glad I picked up that 10oz jar of Mothers.

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