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  1. #1
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    Default Wade & Butcher American Razor-Question and Help

    Here's a picture of a recent aquisition, a W&B American Razor, 7/8, with pressed horn scales. I want to "restore" this razor and use it every 5th day (yes, it's my 5th razor, and I shave daily) The eagle etched on the blade is different from some of the others I have seen, and I want to keep it along with the black in the etch. There is no pitting, just dark spots on the blade. My question is what is the best way to clean up this blade without losing the etching and the black in the etching? I'm thinking sandpaper, very lightly around the etching.

    The scales are in great shape, almost like new. I may sand out the light scratches with high grit sandpaper. Thank you.
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  2. #2
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    A vibratory tumbler like those used in reloading. It will require you to remove the blade from the scales. You will loose the black in the eagle, but you can re-blacken after it's cleaned up. You could start with some steel wool to see that it will have some shallow pits at the really dark spots, but I've left those type of scars as a reminder of it's age.

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