In two previous posts I have gotten advise on how to remove a frown from a blade and then showed my results in the second post. Here is the link to the first post: And here is the link to the second post:

But, as the title to this post indicates, the frown has returned. This time the frown is on my face. I had an "oops" experience when working on the razor blade. I set it down on my work bench and while moving things around, the blade fell to the concrete garage floor. It didn't chip the blade, it broke it in half!

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Ooops1.jpg 
Views:	1521 
Size:	12.9 KB 
ID:	103157

I never realized just how fragile these blades could be. They're made of steel, right? Or are they? If you have never seen the cross section of a razor blade, here's your chance.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Ooops2.JPG 
Views:	1091 
Size:	32.3 KB 
ID:	103158

At least on this blade (made by Kabeso Razor Works) it looks like there are two metals. Some kind of alloy wrapped with a very thin layer of steel. And when I say thin, I mean almost nano meter thin at some points.

I have learned several things from this experience. First, with the help of SRP members, I learned how to correct a frown in a blade. Second, I learned to be very, very careful in handling the blade around concrete. And third, I have learned just how little leeway for sanding and refining the blade there is during restoration. I won't be using Dremel sanding discs on any razors I attempt to restore. Good old elbow grease is going to have to do. And when the pitting is too bad, well, I'll just have to live with it or chuck the blade in the garbage.

But all is not lost. Oh no my friends, I don't give up that easily. Keep a watch out for some future post of mine showing the world's smallest straight razor. If I get it done, I might just bread knife it and give it to my grandson so he can shave along with his father. Sounds like a challenge and boy do I like a challenge.

Thanks for dropping in. Until later....
