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Thread: Excited, but curious...

  1. #1
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    Default Excited, but curious...

    My Genco Improved Eagle showed up on Friday, and since it was raining today I decided to spend 6.5 hours hand sanding/polishing it (first polish and rescale). Progressing from 220 up to 2500 going dry and wet.

    Went from this:

    Name:  058.jpg
Views: 180
Size:  24.4 KB

    To this:
    Name:  060.jpg
Views: 189
Size:  26.0 KB

    But it still has a little pitting. I'm curious, anybody have an opinion. If the pitting is closer to the spine and on the spine/tang would it be worth it to go through and try to buff it out? How likely is it that I'll remove too much pitting in these areas? Should I just leave it as is and call it a day, just to avoid risking it?

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  2. #2
    MWS is offline
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    My Gosh, I thought you were talking about your honing progression for a moment!
    Nice blade, let us know how it shaves...

  3. #3
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    I have polished 3+ razors for myself...I found 180 grit works very well when not used on images/blade etching

  4. #4
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    Most of the pitting left is next to the image on the blade and the stamp on the tang.

    What are the chances I'll remove a lot of material from these locations if I go back through and start at 180? 220 wasn't removing much of the pitting, deep scratches or imaging...

    If there's a good chance that it'll take a lot of metal off then I'm just going to take it to the buffing wheel and re-oil it. If I can probably get it off then I might wait until next weekend and go through the whole process again, just need some opinions as this is my first attempt.

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