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  1. #1
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Default A very humble restore

    I first saw this blade, a Wester Brothers Yankee Wedge, caked in rust, but the edge seemed sound. Just have to re-pin and finish honing it now. It's stamped New York on one side of the tang, and not stamped Germany anywhere. Does anyone know whether this is American steel?

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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    RK, 'looks like you've signed up for some sanding, eh? I've yet to come across a Wester wedge of any kind, but the hollows/extra hollows have been VERY pleasing. I'm betting it'll shave at least as well as a Satinwedge.

    If it says 'Germany' on it - its almost certain it was an import (and a good one).

    Good luck w/ the resto. 'Can't wait to see the finished blade. I'll bet it turns out to be a fine shaver.

  3. #3
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Hi PL,

    The blade does not say Germany on it, that's why I wonder if it's American steel. I thought an American wedge would be worth checking out, even though the size and ergos are out of my target zone now.

    I'm not going to sand it any further; got the rust off and don't care if it gets pretty. The edge is sound, that's all I care.
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  4. #4
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Could it be that it's pre 1891? Pre-1891 products won’t have a country of origin, post 1891 will. Some sort of 'convention' thingy; forget the name...

    I'm thinking possibly I'll polish up the Framebacks that I'm getting; even if I HAVE been going on about patina a lot lately. It'll be hand polishing only, unless I go and use my brother's wheels. I haven't used a grinder thingy since high school, and that was a couple of years ago!! :-)

    I have visions of a razor being flicked from the pad thingy at a million mile an hour into my neck.
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  5. #5
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Hi Carl,

    No, I don't think this blade is that old. It just looks it because it was rode hard and put away wet.

    Oh, man, read up in the workshop threads about buffing wheels. I've read some horror tales there. Your visions are nowhere near unlikely. For me, if Flitz doesn't take it off then it's there to stay.

    Before you go to the wheels, teach your wife how to post here so someone will know how to tell us what happened. :-(
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by roughkype View Post
    Hi Carl,

    No, I don't think this blade is that old. It just looks it because it was rode hard and put away wet.

    Seem to have read in several posts that after WWI, when having "made in Germany" stamped on anything was not a good idea, importers where happy to have that left off, and manufactures struggling to recover from the war were all to happy to accommodate. Sort through your collection of German razors and I'll bet you find some siblings...

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    Last edited by HNSB; 08-19-2012 at 03:43 PM.

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    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Thank you, guys!
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