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  1. #1
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    Default Frankford Arsenel...Up In Smoke

    Anybody smoke a tumbler? Got mine in June and ran it pretty steady thru the early part of July. I set it up in a closet in a tub with the lid open to try and keep from bothering the neighbors. Should still have had plenty of circulation and I never noticed any heat in the closet.

    Got back from out of town and threw some blades in and fired it up. After less than 24 hours that, I noticed a drop in sound, the low rumble changed to a faint drone and then went back to a low rumble, like something was putting a heavy load on the motor. Turned it off and saw that there was soot around the bottom vents. Emptied it, turned it upside down and took the bottom cover off of it to what I could see. Some fairly heavy soot. I turned it upside down and turned it on to see how it would run without a load in it. Ran for a could of minutes, slowed down and then finally just started to hum.

    Midway didn't haven't have a problem replacing it so that not the issue. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

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  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Yes but the Tumbler was purchased in 1985

  3. #3
    Member lomax's Avatar
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    Ya never know about them tumblers. Ive got a old lyman that I bought in 1988 and its still going strong. I bought a bigger tumbler probably back in 2000 and it didnt last but 4 years. My buddy has gone through at least 5 tumblers in the last 10 or 15 years. Some last some dont. I keep mine out in the garage just in case it did catch fire. I wouldnt recommend ever keeping one in the house.

  4. #4
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I never had one. It does seem that anything which is designed to vibrate will eventually go. Sounds like everything I own. Maybe I will get one?
    Yeah, on the concrete floor and away from everything sounds like a good idea. Esp when leaving unattended.

  5. #5
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    I ran mine for months covered in a blanket to keep from bothering the neighbors, and it survived. At least they are not so expensive to replace and do great job to be worth it IMO.

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