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Thread: Hone wear

  1. #1
    Senior Member pesa's Avatar
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    Default Hone wear


    Just a quick newbie question. Is there any way to restore hone wear on the spine? If yes, is it something normally done or it's unnecessary to begin with? Thanks

  2. #2
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    What do you mean by restore?

    Do you mean to remove general honewear or to fix uneven/bad honewear?

    Honewear up to a certain amount will often be removed when using greaseless on a buffer or sanding.

    Uneven/bad honewear can corrected when honing by adjusting the pressure on the spine.

    Personally it depends on the razor and how bad it is wheter I do anything about it or not, if it doesn't affect the bevel/edge I don't do anything about it other than what comes automaticly from the buffer.
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