View Poll Results: How much do you think Josh's razor is worth?

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  • between $100 ~ $150

    2 4.26%
  • between $250 ~ $400

    4 8.51%
  • between $500 ~ $700

    13 27.66%
  • between $800 ~ $1,100

    20 42.55%
  • more than $1,200

    8 17.02%
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  1. #11
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Before I vote I 'd like to see a picture. Where can it be found?

  2. #12
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    About a half dozen threads down. "JOSH'S CHRISTMAS PRESENT, no peeking..."

    It's the reason why steel prices have been fluctuating on the Asian markets recently. You'll understand when you see it.

    Who says pink can't be a masculine color?!?

  3. #13
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Good grief what a monster. What is he going to do with that blade?
    Instead of nicking, he'll accidentally behead himself.
    Anyway, I voted 800-1100 because I have no idea what (if) you charge by the hour on this one.

    Edit: I just thought of crocodile dundee: That's not a razor! This is a razor!

  4. #14
    Senior Member wvbias's Avatar
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    I voted for $500.00 to $700.00 with the
    higher dollar amount in mind.

    Extremly difficult to put a dollar amount on
    someone elses work.

    So many factors to consider besides cost of

    Bill's name alone is worth more than the materials.
    Then throw in his knowledge and skills that turn
    these raw materials into this work of art.

    After considering all this, I should have gone


  5. #15
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    Yesterday was the best day to find another something to do...
    Last edited by urleebird; 12-21-2006 at 12:46 AM.

  6. #16
    < Banned User > suzuki's Avatar
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    As others have said, what is it worth to have a one-of-a-kind razor (or anything else for that matter) that has been hand made by a master craftsman specifically for you. From this standpoint, the razor is priceless.

    However, the reality is that we value things in terms of $ and from that perspective - I can't value this from a time and materials perspective, as I don't know what Bill charges by the hour for something like this or how much time he has invested. This should really set the value or provide a baseline.

    There are simply no comparisons on the market however, if a Maestro razor in 8/8 costs something like $800 with a basic handle, then this is worth at least $1,200 (not because of the size, but because its a one-off and there's more scrollwork, inlaying the gems, etc..) - I actually think $1,200 is too low and that T&M is the better way to go for custom work of this nature. However, for the reasons stated above, you can't put a real value on this - and I suspect Josh wouldn't turn around and sell this razor to someone else for %50 more than he bought it for if they offered it to him.

    I'm with RT regarding the fact that this razor has no value to me for the same reasons voiced by RT. However, to Josh or others who would like to have something like this in their collection, its likely priceless.

    Bill - can you give us an idea of what you charge by the hour for this and how many hours you have in the project?

    While I have no desire to own this razor, I am impressed with the quality of the workmanship beyond words.

  7. #17
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    Yesterday was the best day to find another something to do...
    Last edited by urleebird; 12-21-2006 at 12:47 AM.

  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    You'll notice it was about 1:30 AM when I replied, and yes, value and cost are two different things. I wasn't totally awake, so as far as value, I go with $500-700. The razor is certainly unique, and a lot of "Bill" has gone into it. That is definitely worth something.


  9. #19
    < Banned User > suzuki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird View Post
    As far as Josh... he had a budget. I agreed to do it for the budget because I like him, even if his innocence over custom prices is a tad off. Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving it away... but let's say he made a good investment.
    Bill - I figured it would be something like this and I'm sure Josh knows that, whatever you charge, its less than he would pay if anyone else was making this for him.

    I suspect (and hope) you don't tell us what the final price is - largely because its none of our business!

    Do you know if Josh actually plans on using this on a regular basis?

    Assuming it is, I think 12/8 is a perfect size as Josh will never have to worry that honing will ever cause the razor to be less than 8/8!

  10. #20
    Senior Member xChris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urleebird
    But, the question wasn't how much you would pay for it, the question was what you thought the value was... two different things...
    This is why I don't vote in these threads -- I can't differentiate the two.

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