I am re-pinning a Thistle and it is taking forever. All of the videos that I've watched the restorer was finished in no time. I am following the instructions that is in the Wiki and I think something is wrong.

What I have done so far is peen one side of the 1/16" nickel-silver rod with a washer already on it ... put both sides of the scales and the wedge together and cut the excess off so that 1/16" was remaining on both sides (maybe less). Next, I have started to peen the both sides as evenly as I can tell, but it seems to be taking too many taps with my ball peen-hammer. I am also paying close attention to hit the pin just off center with the hammer so I don't crack the scales. As well as moving the scales around in a circular motion against the hammer strikes.

Is there something to make the pin flare out easier?