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  • 2 Post By stevieb

Thread: Little rust on a market find

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Northern Ireland
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    Default Little rust on a market find

    Left my name with an antique stall at the local market and he phoned the other day. I said I was after something to learn to hone with. Picked up this little item this morning:

    Name:  IMG-20130118-00021.jpg
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    It's a Filarmonica Doble Temple. Don't think I'll be using it for sharpening practice .

    There's a bit of rust along the edge (top center of 3rd photo) and a few rust spots over the rest of the blade. I know the rust along the edge sounds bad but it doesn't look bad. All the rust spots seem very light. I was going to try autosol metal polish on it, but would this ruin / damage the gold etching on the front? When I seen the rust on the edge, I thought the polish would get close to the edge and maybe hone the rest out, possible to hone out a little rush if it's not too deep? Risky I know but thought to myself, if all else fails and it's worse than it looks (and can't be brought back), then and only then would it make a good honing practice razor.

    Also, it's very loose to move in and out of the scales, but when it's opened straight out, when it's almost in-line with the scales, it starts to get stiff to open further. Does this sound like a repin job?
    Last edited by stevieb; 01-18-2013 at 08:48 AM.
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  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Afternoon. Don't use Autosol on the gold wash, it will take it off, as I found out when working on my first razor. (Luckily I had it pegged as an experiment razor.) I have heard you could try using a mircofiber pen to tackle specific areas of rust but polishing the blade becomes tricky. I know jewelers rouge will polish the gold but I doubt it would do much to the steel.

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
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    Likely a bent pin, but also check that the scales haven't slightly warped (or shrank.) You can straighten warped scales if that is the case.

    Glad you got the one you had your eye on!

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You could try covering the gold wash with something like painters tape and carefully work around it. That is a very nice find too.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  5. #5
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    Bad news, was polishing it up and its got a hairline crack from one side through to the other, about 5mm from the heel, nearly the full height of the blade.

  6. #6
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    well i was very excited till i read your last post...sorry to hear that...what a find it would have been!

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