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  1. #1
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    Default Help Me Pick The Scales

    I have a Joseph Rogers & Son that I have been dying to use, but the scales on it balance the razor farther forward than I like so figured I would replace them. I have some curly Cocobolo here that I want to use, but not sure if the tigher grain from the crotch would be better or the looser grain. I tried to get the "curly" in the photos, but hard to capture it. I was also thinking maybe something more of a solid color might be better. Usually I let the razor tell me what it wants, but this one is difficult. What better place to ask for opinions than here. What would you choose. Here is the razor that is going to get a new set of scales and the cocobolo that I am trying to decide whether to use or not.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member dudness's Avatar
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    but the scales on it balance the razor farther forward than I like so figured I would replace them
    Throw it away.

    Mate ! Just leave those scales !!! The razor is perfect !
    Tired of the Überlather ? Try the Unterlather !

  3. #3
    Senior Member JoeLowett's Avatar
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    Nah, those scales are weak. That blade will thank you later once she's wearing a new outfit. Cocobolo is cool stuff, I personally like thinner material scales which can be accomplished with cocobolo with out a backer. Maybe it's just me but I have loved burl scales lately with .06 g10 backing and an epoxy / CA finish.
    ......... Making Old Razors Shine N' Shave, Once Again.
    -"Sheffield Style"

  4. #4
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    I would leave the scales alone, but the balance is off. The balance point when in the shaving position is past the heel towards the toe. I like it to be right where I place my thumb. That way when opened to my stropping position the balance spot is alittle after the pivot pin toward the blade. When I strop I rest the razor on my ring finger on the pivot pin, which makes it slightly blade heavy and lays on the strop easier and control it with my other fingers. I find that that works for me easier than having it farther forward. Seems like it was balanced for a barber that would shave someone else.

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