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Thread: chechen W&Bs

  1. #11
    Junior Member kingspidey's Avatar
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    Nice looking scales!

    I made a pair of scales out of chechen a while back, and must say that the wood is very nice to work with. The CA finish you used does make the scales look much more glassy and deep than the Watco oil I used. I think maybe next time I'll try using CA since it looks so wonderful.

  2. #12
    Senior Member ToxIk's Avatar
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    Well, one of our members offered to pick em both up. So, they're both sold pending payment. Can't believe they're both gone (or soon will be) and I didn't even have to put them in the selling forum

  3. #13
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Outstanding work and I really liked the video, very effective touch. The pics are just superb.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  4. #14
    Senior Member ToxIk's Avatar
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    Thanks Randy. Praise from you means a whole lot
    I like to make a video of scales when the grain of the wood plays in the light like chechen or yellowheart does. You really can't capture what those kinds of woods have to offer with static images. I wish my camera could maintain a fixed focus that close though The nearest preset focal distance is half a meter, about 1.5 feet away.

  5. #15
    to straight.. from slant
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    Default Chechen wood grain.

    Quote Originally Posted by ToxIk View Post
    Thanks Randy. Praise from you means a whole lot
    I like to make a video of scales when the grain of the wood plays in the light like chechen or yellowheart does. You really can't capture what those kinds of woods have to offer with static images. I wish my camera could maintain a fixed focus that close though The nearest preset focal distance is half a meter, about 1.5 feet away.

    I received these two beauties from Jason yesterday. They're even better than
    the pictures, if that is credible.

    What is not visible in the pictures is that just off center of where the light
    hits the scales, the grain appears as a river of gold. It's like looking deep
    into the iris of a cat's eye. The grain seems deep and many layered, as though flecks
    of gold were floating just below a river of clear glass. The overall effect is
    striking. The video Jason posted hints at some of the depth of the grain, but
    you really have to see them up close to appreciate the effect.

    They're also an identical pair! The only way I can tell them apart is that one
    is slightly off center (the other is perfectly flush). Otherwise, they are hard to tell
    apart, being of the same classic WB shape (highly polished) and glassy chechen
    scales. I seriously considered buying a Dovo for use, and making them a 'show
    pair' but have started using one. I am waiting for a microscope and strop
    before I start using the other.

    As you can tell, I *really really* like them, and I just wanted to congratulate
    Jason on his handiwork.

    -- dan (the lucky dog who got the razors.)
    Last edited by nichhel; 02-02-2007 at 09:33 PM.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Traveller's Avatar
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    Beautiful work Jason Regards Gary

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